Awareness Services

  • Phishing as a Service
  • Cyber Security Awareness Library
  • Managed Security Awareness Program

Employees are at the heart of every organisation, playing a key role in keeping you secure and compliant. Whilst your workforce can be one of your most valuable assets, they are also your greatest risk when it comes to cybercrime. Over 90% of security incidents are now caused by cybercriminals targeting employees.

Phishing as a Service

Phishing remains one of the biggest attack vectors across the world. Phishing solutions are aplenty with each vendor promising better functionality than the other

CyberHub takes the responsibility of delivering phishing reduction outcomes
Periodic (monthly/quarterly/etc.) phishing assessments conducted on your behalf
Remedial training and management of repeat offenders is managed by CyberHub as well
Operational and executive reporting provided that is ready for circulation and presentation

Cyber Security Awareness Library

Staff and clients need to understand what cyberthreats they face and how to address them

Our libraries are designed to give you a “running start” or an “instant refresh”
Designed for end-users (8 videos) and developers (1 video), with content that is succinct, local and simple, focusing on only the most critical threats
Delivered through our hosted video service meaning simple implementation (SCORM, Intranet, etc.), with complementing assessment libraries
Our proven content development methodology can be used to build custom videos on specific topics for your organisation

Managed Security Awareness Program

An on-going awareness program is the only way to ensure staff are continuously cognisant of cyber threats and what to do

Our approach is to build a 12-month robust program that covers key strategic and operational aspects of security awareness
We can either build the program for you to execute, or take complete ownership by building the program, running it and periodically reporting on its progress to you
Periodic check-ins ensure that the program is adjusted for changing business needs